Brainerd Compressor, Inc.

Brainerd Compressor, Inc. keeps cool with OSAS, an office manager’s best friend

In 1951 A.G. Brainerd started a business to provide commercial service and filter changing in Memphis and the Mid-South. To answer the need he found for compressors when servicing Heating, Venting, and Cooling (HVAC) equipment, Mr. Brainerd began rebuilding his own compressors. Other service companies caught on, and began contracting The Brained Company for their own large air-conditioning compressor needs.

Not too long after J. Howard Barton purchased The Brainerd Company and merged it with his Barton Service Company in 1971, he saw the need and growth potential of the compressor remanufacturing business and separated this into an existing company of its own: Brainerd Compressor. Barton and his brother Larry developed Brainerd Compressor into one of the largest and most reliable compressor remanufactures in the country.

Today, Brainerd Compressor, Inc. is the go-to source for large air-conditioning compressor repair and rebuilding. They ship compressors around the world for service companies and contractors, for hospitals and schools... if there’s a big air conditioner in your building, Brainerd may have serviced the compressor at some point.

Keeping up with the times

It didn’t take Brainerd Compressors long to realize they needed a strong accounting software solution to help their business grow, so they purchased OPEN SYSTEMS Accounting Software (OSAS) over 30 years ago. As the times have progressed, Brainerd Compressor has grown while OSAS helps take care of the details.

The Brainerd Compressor has a staff of 33, and only one person is in charge of keeping the books: office manager Debbie Marlar. Like many office managers, Debbie is in charge of nearly everything that isn’t happening on the shop floor. “I take care of accounting, payroll, accounts receivable, payables, and the general ledger... all of it,” says Debbie. And where technicians and owners depend upon Debbie to keep the lights on and the books straight, Debbie relies upon OSAS to get her work done, as she has for over 30 years.

When the summer heats up, so does business

As with any business centered on air conditioning, Brainerd must plan ahead for the busy season. “Summer is an extremely busy time,” says Debbie. “In the summertime when people’s air conditioner goes down, they need something right now. We try to build up our stock in the winter, and then when summer comes we have a large stock available so we can ship it right out.” With those kinds of demands on their business and with so much on her plate, how does Debbie keep cool? By having the ability to get her accounting information and reporting when she needs them from her OSAS software.

I’m not an accountant, but I play one in the office

Though it is a high-powered business accounting solution, OSAS makes it easy for Debbie to get her work done. “OSAS is just so easy to use,” says Debbie. “Even though I’ve never had formal schooling on accounting, I can still use it.” Whether she’s processing payroll or processing a sales order, Debbie doesn’t worry about complicated procedures getting in the way of the real business of keeping Brainerd Compressors’ office rolling.

Working with OSAS over the years has not only made her job easier, but has continued to provide advantages with the latest in new technology adapting to the demands of modern accounting. “It’s the little things,” says Debbie, which help her get work done. “Like having fields that are long enough to enter really long account numbers. It’s a pain to have to write those out on a check because they won’t fit,” says Debbie. “OSAS updates take care of those kinds of problems.”

Thanks to Brainerd Compressors and Debbie, many of us will keep working in a cool environment this summer. Open Systems is pleased that OSAS is part of making her job a lot easier, too.

Tags: OSAS,Manufacturing